That Translator Can Cook: Harees
Harees is a very old recipe; variations of this porridge can be found in the 10th-century cookbook, Kitab al Tabikh…

That Translator Can Cook: Maftoul
In Arabic, the word “maftoul” comes from the root “fa-ta-la”, meaning to twist or to roll, which is how maftoul is made…

That Translator Can Cook: Maqluba
While the maqluba recipe can be found in a thirteenth-century Baghdad cookbook, it is mainly considered to be a Palestinian specialty…

That Translator Can Cook: Bourek
Bourek originated from the Turkish pastry börek, as did the Tunisian brik that I’ve written about before…

That Translator Can Cook: Zarb
The chicken and vegetables are laid out on racks and put into an oven in the ground that’s filled with hot coals…

That Translator Can Cook: Musakhan
Musakhan is one of the most popular and well-known Palestinian dishes. According to a Friday article, it was traditionally made after the olive-pressing season…

That Translator Can Cook: Freekeh Soup
Freekeh is an ancient grain dating back to ancient Egypt and Levant (Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon), and is immature (green) wheat…

That Translator Can Cook: Molokhia
This dish dates back to ancient Egypt and some say that it was Jewish people who ate this dish first rather than the ancient Egyptians…