Intro to ‘That Translator Can Cook’ Challenge

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I’ve been inspired by other translators, who have challenged themselves to translate and make one recipe each week, and decided to join to them! However, I will not be personally making these recipes because I lack the resources (i.e. specialized utensils, scarcer ingredients, time, etc…) and I have dietary restrictions (i.e. allergy to sesame seeds, lactose intolerance).

Let’s just enjoy exploring Middle Eastern and North African cuisine without any restrictions due to what I can’t eat or don’t like. I’ve found wonderful recipes on Cookpad, many of which show step-by-step pictures. Because I’m not sharing personal experiences of cooking the recipes, I will give some fun facts about the history, cultural significance, or health benefits of the dish in question. Look for my first post after the new year!


That Translator Can Cook: Tabbouleh


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